Monday, November 5, 2007

Pats on the back

After a warming introduction, WIU President Al Goldfarb took the stage to thank everyone for their support and hard work, which made this event possible. He stressed civic engagement, and why voting is so important for everyone. These sentiments were echoed by the next speaker, Illinois State Senator John Sullivan.

Sullivan recounted his own election trail, remembering the hard work he put into campaigning only to be left on election night in the power of the voters.

“This election now is in your hands,” Sullivan said.

Although the proceedings started a little late, a warm thanks also was extended to everyone involved, from the people at News-Meister to the printing service that made all the banners.

With such a herculean task like this mock election, it is no wonder there was a long list of people who helped.

The rules are being read now, but with a complex and rather foreign set of guidelines, it won’t be too much of a surprise if there were a few bumps.

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