By Adam Sacasa
5:10 p.m. Students file into the Grand Ballroom under blue spotlights for the Democratic party convention for the keynote and platform debates. Uncle Sam is back entertaining students as Sheryl Crow plays over the speakers.
5:20 p.m. State Sen. Mike Jacobs, D-Moline, starts off the night riling up students. The atmosphere is a lot more engaging than Monday. Just by the way the chairs are lined up, everything looks a lot more organized than the Presidential Caucuses and Primaries on Tuesday.
6:20 p.m. The legalization of marijuana seemed like it got a big response from the students during the platform debates but as one student pointed out, the reason legalization is so strongly supported was because they were college students. Boos followed and the plank was changed from opposing to strongly supporting legalization. Along with the legalization, debates over the death penalty, immigration, abortion also got strong responses out of the students. One plank, the death penalty was removed from the platform.
7:53 Students start leaving. Many of the students are forced to be there for class and you can see it in some of thier faces. Complete boredom. Even so, there was a lot more enthusiasm with the studnets errupting into ayes and nays for the debates.
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